Breathing Exercises For Anxiety
Breathing is something we all do, but not something we all utilize to help with anxiety. There are different breathing techniques that are very valuable to help calm your nerves and relax your body. They are a great way to slow your heart rate, decrease blood pressure and increase feelings of calm and relaxation.
So next time you’re feeling anxious, try some of these breathing techniques.
Belly Breathing or Diaphragmatic Breathing
When a person is under stress, they tend to take small, shallow breaths. Shallow breathing can make you feel anxious and short of breath. A great way to combat this is by practicing diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing.
Place one hand on your stomach
Take a deep breath through your nose
On the inhale, try to fill your stomach with air. This will cause the hand on your stomach to rise
After your inhale, hold your breath for a count of 1
Then exhale slowly through your mouth
Do this a few times or until you feel a little less stressed/tense.
Breath Focus
This technique utilizes both deep breathing and meditation. To practice breath focus:
Get in a comfortable position either sitting and lying down
Take a slow, deep breath through your nose
Exhale slowly through your mouth
While you take your deep breaths, notice how your body feels when you inhale- how your body feels when you exhale
Imagine your exhale carrying negative and upsetting thoughts and energy away from you
Try to clear your mind and only focus on your breath
If you get distracted by other thoughts, gently bring your attention back to your breath
This exercise can be a little difficult, so don’t get discouraged if your mind wanders to other thoughts. This will take some practice to truly get better at calming your mind.
4-3-4 Breathing
This technique is a powerful tool to help slow your heart rate and ease tension in your body.
Take a slow deep breath through your nose for a count of 4 seconds
Hold that breath for a count of 3 seconds
Slowly breath out through your mouth for a count of 4 seconds
Repeat a few times or until you feel calm
The Humming Breath
The technique combines both breath and vibration to help ease tension in your body and mind.
Take a comfortable seat or stand with a straight spine.
Breathe in through the nose for at least 4 seconds.
With your mouth closed, hum as if you’re saying “hmmm” until you’re out of breath.
Repeat five to seven times.